This catalogue is meant to be updated as new information on LMXBs is published in the literature. We have linked the original studies that derived/measured each parameters we provide to the best of our knowledge. If you wish to submit a suggestion or update a specific field in the catalogue, please visit the "Contributing" section.

The original version of the catalogue will soon be available at the CDS.

On this website, we will issue updated downloadable versions regularly; in between major updates, any new piece of information will be stored in the "Notes" section and will also be available to the users within the browsable table in the "Catalogue" section.

If you wish to contact us directly, visit the "About" section.

Catalogue Credits and Acknowledgements
If you used the products from this website or the catalogue stored in CDS/Vizier for your own work, please cite the original paper:

Fortin et al. (2024) A&A in press. (01/2024)
A catalogue of low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy: from the INTEGRAL to the Gaia era.

Please also use the following aknowledgement:

This work has made use of the LMXB catalogue ( maintained by the Binary rEvolution team (

LaTeX version:

This work has made use of the LMXB catalogue (\url{}) maintained by the Binary rEvolution team (\url{}).

This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.